Sunday, January 24, 2016

Really? Is that TRUE?

Welcome Fourth Graders!
Let's get ready to answer some questions using valid sources.

Click on the link for the question you have been assigned.
Let's get fact checking!

Can You Pick Up a Baby Bird and Return it to the Nest?

Have you been taught that once a baby bird falls from the nest the mother will reject it?
Do you think that is correct?

Let's use the following sources to check our facts.
Use the internet gizmo to help you decide if the source is a valid source.

Vist Live Science using this link:

Vist A Place for Wild Birds using this link:

Visit St. Francis Wildlife Association using this link:

Use the following books:

Baby Birds by Helen Frost

Bird World by Meredith Phillips

Flap your Wings by P.D. Eastman

Use the white poster paper provided to create your presentation poster to answer the question.

Do Chameleons Change Color to Match Their Surroundings?

Have you been taught that the reason Chameleons change color is to hide from predators?
Do you think that is correct?

Let's use the following sources to check our facts.
Use the internet gizmo to help you decide if the source is a valid source.

Vist Wonderopolis Wonder #651 using this link:

Visit Live Science:

Use the following books:

Chameleons by Louise Martin

A Color of His Own by Leo Leonni

Chamelions are Cool by Martin Jenkins

Use the white poster paper provided to create your presentation poster to answer the question.

Are Bats Really Blind?

Have you ever heard someone exclaim when they can't find something, "I'm as blind as a bat!"
Do you think they are right?
Are bats really blind?

Let's use the following sources to check our facts.
Use the internet gizmo to help you decide if the source is a valid source.

Vist Wonderopolis Wonder #378 using this link:

Visit Bats for Kids:

Visit Discovery Kids:

Visit Fact Monster:

Use the following books:

Bats and their Homes by Deborah Gibson

Bats by Kate Riggs

Use the white poster paper provided to create your presentation poster to answer the question.

Is Blood Really Blue Inside your Body?

Who told you that blood is blue when it's in your body and turns red when it hits the outside air?
Were they right or wrong?

Let's use the following sources to check our facts.
Use the internet gizmo to help you decide if the source is a valid source.

Visit Wonderopolis Wonder #519 using this link:

Visit Ask a Biologist using this link:


Use the following books:
How Our Blood Circulates by Merce Parramon

The Heart by Seymour Simon

Use the white poster paper provided to create your presentation poster answering the question.

Sunday, January 3, 2016


Welcome Second Graders 
to your 
Click on the link for your bridge to learn more about it!

Suspension Bridge:

Beam Bridge:

Truss Bridge:

Arch Bridge:

Bridalveil Bridge No. 2

Photo Source:

Location: Mariposa County, CA

Status: Open to pedestrian traffic only

Year Built: 1913

Type: Arch Bridge

Length: 40 feet

Width: 18 feet

Made From: Concrete and Rock

Average Daily Traffic: none

Builder: Oscar Parlier

Cool Facts: 
* The bridge is in Yosemite National Park.
* The bridge used to be a vehicle bridge.
* The bridge is made from concrete with a stone front.

Information Source:

Dinkey Historical Bridge

Photo Source:

Location: Fresno County, CA

Status: Open to pedestrian traffic only

Year Built: 1938

Type: Bowstring Arch Truss Bridge

Length: 92 feet

Width: 18.5 feet

Made From: Concrete and Redwood

Average Daily Traffic: none

Builder: Designed by T.K. May and built by The Civilian Conservation Corps

Cool Facts: 
* The bridge is made from redwood.
* The bridge is on the register for "Historic Places."
* The bridge stretches over the Dinkey Creek.

Information Source:

South Higuera Street Bridge

Photo Source:

Location: San Luis Obispo, CA

Status: Open to traffic

Year Built: 1928

Type: Concrete Tee Beam Bridge

Length: 267.1 feet

Width: 29.9 feet

Made From: Concrete

Average Daily Traffic: 4,927 cars

Builder: not known

Cool Facts: 
* The bridge goes over than San Luis Obispo Creek.
* The bridge is made out of concrete.
* There are 180 bridges in San Louis Obispo County.

Information Source:

The Golden Gate Bridge

Image result for golden gate bridge

Location: San Francisco, CA

Status: Open to traffic

Year Built: 1937

Type: Suspension Bridge

Length: 9,155 feet

Width: 62 feet

Made From: Galvanized Steel and Concrete

Average Daily Traffic: 11,500

Builder: Joseph Strauss

Cool Facts: 
* The bridge color is International Orange
* The bridge is a toll road.
* The bridge connects Marin County to San Francisco.

Information Source: